Combo Course (Intermediate & Advanced combined)
This course gives you a lot of flexibilty and choice between the intermediate and advanced levels.
To qualify for entrance into this course you will need to have excellent communication skills and/or a diploma or degree qualification; (or) have experience in another field eg: finance/sport/architecture/health etc; be over 18yrs
Please note: Journalism is required for news and current affairs. If you would like to train for lifestyle, infotainment, kids etc journalism is not necessarily required. You will however need excellent communication skills.
Student bursaries are available for our combo courses; conditions apply
We offer an early bird fee if paid in full 5 weeks prior to course
Price: $1180
Discounts: available for earlybird and if you have attended one of our introductory (free) workshops
Sydney: - Intermediate & Advanced A
Melbourne: - Intermediate & Advanced A
Student bursaries are available for our combo courses; conditions apply . Please inquire.
The techniques covered in the training are:
- Defining the best programs for you to present (full assessment)
- Skills to connect/engage with the viewer behind the lens
- Key-wording and adlibbing skills
- Personality development: Defining delivery/style; connecting with the content as well as the viewer. How to ‘drive’ content with personality
- Experimenting with delivery styles: defining program suitability
- Studio signals and studio expectations. Industry information
- Scripting & presenting approx. 5 types of programs per day eg: travel; fashion; lifestyle; red carpet; corporate; news etc (intermediate will do 2 programs per day)
- Formatting content for presenting Intros/closes/links/inserts (Advanced)
- Audition skills and a variety of mock auditions
- Co-presenting. Learning to interact/present with another presenter (Advanced)
- Interviewing skills. Balancing your content/listening skills (Optional)
- The ‘do’s and don’ts’ when reading an autocue. (Autocue available)
- Time-span awareness. Scripting & delivery to camera with time signals. (Advanced )
- Working with producer’s instructions & direction
- Dealing with performance anxiety & redirecting nervous energy
- Broadcast vocal techniques including ‘shading’ vocal delivery
- Learning how to move/walk while talking to camera
- Learning how to prepare & dress for your audition
- Formats for specialty presenting eg news; sport; finance; weather (Advanced)
- Ideas and concepts to write your own TV Program (optional)
- Information about acquiring an appropriate agent
- Information and tips regarding “what producers look for”
- Defining your strengths/versatility for show reels & auditions
- Information about producing a show reel (Advanced)
- Eligibility to join the only on-line casting service for new Presenters in Australia exclusive to TV Pro Graduates & professional presenters (Advanced)
- We design, shoot and edit personalized showreels for those completing the Advanced level
To apply: Questionnaire_and_Application_2.doc